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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Jan 29, 2020

This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the latest in the Waldo Canyon rebuilding, what kind of backpacks they use while hiking, where is the snow?, a special offer for new patrons, and more.

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Hiking Bob on 

Jan 22, 2020

This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob's recent photography trip to Yellowstone National Park with National Geographic, Kevin's recent hikes, and they examine the recent controversy surrounding Colorado Springs Parks. 

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Jan 15, 2020

Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) is Bob's guest on this week's episode. They discuss the mission of the PPORA, the unique partnerships it has helped develop, and the challenges facing outdoor recreation in both the Pikes Peak region and Colorado.


Jan 8, 2020

On this week's show, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss whether a popular outdoor recreation newsletter is "click-bait" or is it just "out there"?

Also, looking forward to the new year, and upcoming events. 

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Jan 1, 2020

On this New Year's Day episode, Bob talks with El Paso County (CO) Community Services Department Director Tim Wolken about the accomplishments of the county parks department in 2019 and what's ahead in 2020.  It's a lively discussion that covers a lot of ground.

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