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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Apr 27, 2022

On this week's podcast - the 300th! - Wild Westendorf took over the show while Bob was away on a trip and conducts an interview with a VERY special guest. It's someone listeners are familiar with, but have never heard from before.

Thanks to Rich Gustason for his assistance, and to Joanne Peterson for suggesting this...

Apr 20, 2022

On this week's podcast, Bob talks with Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance. They discuss how public land managers are dealing with greatly increased visitor and usage numbers, and how other agencies, such as visitors bureaus, are helping visitors prepare for busier...

Apr 13, 2022

On this week's episode, Bob interviews Britt Haley, the program manager of the Colorado Springs TOPS (Trails, Open Space and Parks) program, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2022.

They discuss the history of the program, how the program works, how it has benefitted Colorado Springs, and what is ahead for...

Apr 6, 2022

On this week's show, Bob interviews Aaron Egbert from the City of Colorado Springs about the North Cheyenne Canon Bridge Replacement Project. Also discussed: National Park Service week; more lands facing usage restrictions; cabins opening at Cheyenne Mountain State Park.

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