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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Aug 25, 2021

On this week's podcast, Bob and Kevin discuss  why some recent backcountry rescues went well due to hikers being prepared. Also, they discuss people taking up residence in our forests, including a discussion about a recent news article on the subject.

Rescue on Boundary Peak:

Aug 18, 2021

On this week's podcast, Bob and Kevin catch up on recent events: Kevin climbs another 14'er, and to an alpine lake, and Bob and Kevin hike on Pikes Peak.

Bob asks listeners to vote for his photography:

Also, they ask everyone to take a poll at

South Slope...

Aug 11, 2021

Bob's guest this week is Jennifer Peterson, the Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI).  They discuss this years 40th anniversary of the founding of RMFI, their current work on the Devils Playground trail on the west side of Pikes Peak, and on the Barr Trail on the east side of...

Aug 4, 2021

Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Karen Palus is Bob's guest on this week's podcast. A semi-annual guest, she talks with Bob about the opening of the new Pikes Peak Summit Complex and the Colorado Springs Sesquicentennial.  They also discuss a study that evaluated the needs of the parks...