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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Mar 30, 2022

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Kevin's upcoming hike on Mt Whitney; the status of the road project in North Cheyenne Canon Park; the opening of Santa Fe Open Space; and should Standard Time become permanent.

Colorado Sun article about time change:


Mar 23, 2022

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss how land managers are dealing with increased usage, and they ask the question: Is it reasonable for users to ever expect our park experiences to return to a time when crowding, and traffic was not a problem and when advanced reservations were almost unheard of? And,...

Mar 16, 2022

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss an update on the Keep Colorado Wild Pass; timed entry reservations may be coming to Colorado's Eldorado Canyon; a new El Paso County Park, and more.

Previous column about Eldorado Canyon:

Please consider becoming a patron of this...

Mar 9, 2022

On this week's podcast, Bob talks with Victoria Newhouse, the author of "Parks of the 21st century. Reinvented landscapes, reclaimed territories".

They discuss the book's examination of parks that have been built on land formerly occupied by highways, railroads, airports, industrial sites, quarries and other property....

Mar 2, 2022

In this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the spread of mis-information and lies in regards to outdoor recreation in social media. Also, a report from Colorado Parks and Wildlife about bear activity in the state in 2021; hiking in Oil Well Flats; supporting the people of the Ukraine.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife...