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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Jun 28, 2023

On this week's podcast, Bob and Kevin discuss recent extreme weather in the Colorado, and the arrival of summer weather, including how to safely recreate in it.

Also, a group of rogue cyclists are harassing and threatening trail workers. 

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Jun 21, 2023

On this week's podcast, Bob chats with Trails and Open Spaces Coalition  (TOSC) Executive Director Susan Davies about thhe political makeup of Colorado Springs' city council and mayor's office, and how that might affect outdoor recreation.  Will the new elected officials have a positive influence on city parks and open...

Jun 14, 2023

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss conflicts between users on trails and why no one group is better than any other.

Also, safety during rainstorms, and Bob is doing a presentation at Mountain Chalet on how to use Colorado's Trail Explorer app.

Mountain Chalet event:


Jun 7, 2023

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin plead with people to stop harrassing wildlife and highlight a couple more cases of people acting stupidly.

Also, volunteer opportuniities at the Garden of the Gods Visitors Center and Cheyenne Mountain State Park, and the tremendous contibution that volunteers provide in the...